Picture related to event: Collective Thread Bunker

Collective Thread

Fabric, which has always been an ordinary part of our lives, brings up various paradoxes. Sometimes worshiped too much, sometimes despised. Something that can connect people in the form of fashion trends, but also divide them from those who do not follow them. Something that protects us, covers us and yet reveals too much on other occasions. Its production is often linked to hard work and misery, while promoting prodigality and happiness elsewhere…

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White on White

The exhibition titled White on White is a selection of works created by the students of the Department of Creative Arts and Art Education at the Faculty of Education at UKF in Nitra.

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An exhibition by the students of Art Education at the Department of Creative Arts and Art Education at the Faculty of Education at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

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Eeny meeny!

Eeny Meeny is a miniature exhibition project based on the curator’s testament which is explored through various layers of meanings. He reflects upon the circularity of his own and the society’s, articulated in his subjective search for the breaking point we can identify ourselves with in today’s world.

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Safe(ly) Hidden

How safe and hidden is the place where artists keep their sources of inspiration? And what is it that is safely hidden and which serves as the actual inspiration for the artist’s creative process?

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Irony is a means of expression that enriches our everyday communication with various additional meanings. It gives our statements different connotations than they seem to have at first glance, adds a pinch of humour and sometimes even offends.

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The Net According to the Net

In the beginning was the Net. The Net was with the Net and the Net was the Net. The same was in the beginning with the Net. All things were made by the Net and without the Net was not any thing made that was made. And in the Net was the Net and the Net was the Net of Nets.

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In 1956, the chief of the Border Patrol’s cynology department came up with an idea to crossbreed the Carpathian wolfs with German Shepherds in order to create a resilient service dog.

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Ingrid Kepková and Viera Zubalová work together in order to address the latest problems of our inti-macy and our ability to lead (un)successful lives. They are not afraid to confront themselves with any-thing; they are not afraid to be unhappy.

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Marika Volfová — Temporary Paradises

The Temporary Paradises exhibition explores it on the intersection of three basic relations: aid and privilege, the others and us, action and escapism.

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In the beginning was water. Life was made of water, a foetus grows in water, the human body is 70% water and the Earth’s surface is 70% water as well. Water runs in cycles, it has its own memory and is able to clean itself. In the beginning of every step is the courage to take it. Every morning we need a fix of courage to make it through the upcoming day. Life is cour-age.

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The Dark Side of Paradise

In his book Artificial Paradises, from 1860, Charles Baudelaire describes states caused by hashish, opium and wine and warns his readers against the destructive effects of the illusions of pleasure these drugs can cause. In Nitra Gallery’s Bunker, in 2018, Andrej Kolenčík holds an exhibition titled the Dark Side of Paradise that responds to the reality we live in.

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In a Nutshell | In der Nußschale

The group show of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf presents three distinctive artistic approaches in mutual interaction to the specific exhibition space. Their multidisciplinary approach is manifested in the project that took 10 days of preparation on the site – in Nitra Gallery’s Bunker.

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Ten Seas

Photography and other new media, as the latest ways to describe the world, are constantly evolving at the speed of light. Fine art in general seems to be a perfect tool to redefine the properties and qualities of what we consider reality and what attitude we have towards reality and ourselves. A proper visual translation of core values requires a much stronger focus on philosophy and human sciences than on the technologies alone.

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Kristína Kandriková — The Viewer’s Movement

Kristína Kandriková is a Slovak artist of the upcoming generation who is about to celebrate the first anniversary of her graduation from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. The first year after school is often the key to a young artist’s future. So how is she doing?

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The exhibition titled Paniczi presents works created by students of the Intermedia Studio led by doc. Miroslav Nicz and the assistant lecturer Peter Janáčik, PhD. All study levels of the IM Studio at the Department of Intermedia and Digital Media at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica are represented at the exhibition.

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Nitra Gallery’s Bunker is to host a traditional exhibition of artworks created by students at the Department of Creative Arts and Art Education, Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. This year’s exhibition project reflects upon various taboos present in both our personal lives and the society in general.

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