Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III

Alojz Klimo, together Milan Dobeš and Miloš Urbásek, is considered to be the founding representative of constructionist and geometrical art in Slovakia. He was the first who started with the reduction of the painting’s space into elementary geometrical forms…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Artwork of the month:
Kundy Crew

The activist art group of radical embroidery called Kundy Crew, consisting of, as they describe themselves, four angry girls, was created in 2010…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Printmaking

Eugen Krón — The Wounded

The individual expression of a painter, illustrator and the poster author Eugen Krón is shown especially in his graphic art, e.g. the litography The Wounded. The constructivist composition with expressionistic tones shapes in the figure of a young man a symbol…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Ferdinand Katona — Harvest

The work breaks away from the artist’s characteristic artistic programme. The motif of agricultural work depicted in the painting is atypical in the context of the artist’s work, as is the insertion of a small figurative composition…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Drawing

Igor Kalný — Untitled

The series called Bez názvu (Untitled) belongs to the cycle of interestingly structured geometrical ink drawings that Igor Kalný started to produce in 1984…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Imrich Weiner-Kráľ — June (from the cycle The Wood)

Imrich Weiner-Kráľ is considered one of the most important representatives of the Slovak version of surrealism, the so-called “over-realism” [nadrealizmus in Slovak] in fine art. Many art theorists find the general notion of linking his work to surrealism problematic…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Ján Kekeli — Untitled

Ján Kekeli is a photographer who follows principles based on an intersection of documentary and art photography. His work focuses on landscape (projects like Landscape Images, Talking Stone, Visual Changes), but lately he has been working more and more on still lifes.

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Jaroslav Košš — Junk DNA A+B

Jaroslav Košš’s oeuvre ranges from conceptual and action art to site-specific works, objects and installations. He uses ready-mades, assemblage, found and recycled materials, objects, parts of machines and employs these techniques to organically unite texts, sounds and images…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Plastic arts

Jozef Kostka — Mourning Woman

Josef Kostka’s work is diverse. Since the very beginning of his career he had been admired poetry and wanted to work on sculptures with a rich internal life, full of associations, spiritual bonds with the world, its time, its mementos and pains…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Július Koller — Untitled

The painting ´Untitled´ can be categorized as a cycle of spray paintings in which Koller worked with different symbols and punctuation marks. The key components of Koller´s work were terms, signs and text…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Július Korezska — Autumn

The composition of the work Jeseň (Autumn) leads viewers in a quiet, melancholic, flat landscape dressed in golden hues of a late summer afternoon, radiating energy and dynamics…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Juraj Kollár — The Landscape Tour

Juraj Kollár is one of the most distinctive young Slovak painters. His work follows the traditional painting discipline principles, whether by focusing solely on oil painting or classical genres such as…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Klaudia Kosziba — The Sweetest Summer & September

The paintings titled The Sweetest Summer (2017-2018) and September (2008) by Klaudia Kosziba depict nature in different ways as they were created ten years apart. One of the specific processes Klaudia Kosziba uses is her non-stop intervention with the image, its various layers, re-paintings, different depths, different atmospheres, different moods…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Marek Kvetan — Flashback

Marek Kvetan is a distinctive visual artist who works with different kinds of media and incorporates analytical thinking and post-conceptual tendencies. The core of his work domain focuses on ready made objects and prints…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Patrik Kovačovský — Grande Bouffe

Intermedia artist Patrik Kovačovský, in his own words, used his work Grande Bouffe to reflect on the then current situation with illegal immigration and smugglers transporting migrants…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Peter Kalmus — Brick Block I.

Peter Kalmus is one of the most productive artists in Slovakia – an autodidact who had been a member of the unofficial art scene before 1989. His works are diverse and numerous, in terms of techniques they include drawing, prints, assemblage, painting, objects, installation and action art.

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Painting

Rudolf Krivoš — Music

Rudolf Krivoš is one of the founding members of an important art group known as “Galandovci or the Mikuláš Galanda Group”…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Photography and other media

Tomáš Klepoch — Ceremonial Crop Burning

Folk mythology would describe fire as having cleansing, healing and magical powers while also being a symbol of protection of the future crop and Earth’s fertility. The artist uses this archetypal imagery…

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Printmaking

Tomáš Klepoch — Upgrade

The Upgrade linocut, which was acquired by Nitra Gallery in 2020, is a part of four prints, each of which is marked E/A (Artist Proofs) and features a unique colour

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Picture related to artwork: Alojz Klimo — Small Crossroads III Plastic arts

Vladimír Kompánek — The Couple

We have decided to include his work into our NG online gallery as a quiet memory and a tribute to the artist who definitely marked the Slovak visual culture…

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