Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square

Massányi loved his hometown (Nitra) with its rich history, its significant viewpoints, corners, old crooked streets and history breathing buildings…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková — Still-life

Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková, often called the first lady of the Slovak painting, was devoted to painting in which she was mainly familiar with the synthetic and late cubism of the 1910s and 1920s, but she also worked with scenic art, book illustration and poster…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Igor Minárik — Teared

Igor Minárik is an important Slovak representative of analytical painting…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Photography and other media

Igor Peter Meluzin — Trump Tower

Igor Peter Meluzin is considered one of the key figures of Slovak action art of the 1980s and installation and intermedia art of the 1990s…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Drawing

Ján Mudroch — Mother and Child

Mother and child, an ink drawing, is a rare example of the continuity in creative production of Jan Mudroch from the mid-60s…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Jarmila Mitríková & Dávid Demjanovič — The Evacuation of Slovak Elites

Two women and a man, dressed in traditional Slovak folk costumes, are standing in a field behind a village at the foot of majestic Slovak peaks, watching the take off of a spaceship (a conglomerate of various rocket modules), with a yellow Lamborghini happily parked next to it.

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Plastic arts

Jozef Mihál — From the Pink Rabbit series

The two pieces from the now-deceased Jozef Mihál have become a part of the Nitra Gallery’s collection as a gift…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Jozef Teodor Mousson — Market in Banská Štiavnica

It was the moment when the art teacher and painter fell in love with the region, atmosphere and people in the area of Zemplín. The author started with landscape painting and used the elements of luminism…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Juliana Mrvová — Les jardins recréés

Juliana Mrvová’s oeuvre is known for her large-scale canvases painted with acrylics or ink; however, we can also find smaller drawings and works on paper among her works…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Plastic arts

Juraj Meliš — Idea „B“

Due to the recent passing of Juraj Meliš we have decided to present the visitors of the Virtual Gallery with his work that is a part of the Nitra Gallery collection…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Plastic arts

Juraj Meliš — Idea „A“

The object Idea “A” comes from a large cycle that is developed by the author around the mid-1970’s as a social exploration of the society at the time. He reacts to the contemporary political situation that occurred after the year 1968…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Lea Mrázová — Tatiana and Woman with a Lute

Lea Mrázová was an active Slovak intellectual of the 20th century. He pantings featured expressive (instinctive) characteristics, but they were also balanced and decorative at the same time. She worked on still life, landscapes and specialised in portraits. The two images in Nitra Gallery’s collection are portraits of women. 

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Plastic arts

Lukáš Matejka — Object That Will Be Donated to the Nitra Gallery

The artwork titled Object That Will Be Donated to the Nitra Gallery was exhibited at Nitra Gallery’s Youth Gallery in 2013 as a part of the In Process exhibition…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

Marian Meško — Pavement — Softened

Marian Meško is a solitaire at the Slovak art scene, a painter with focused and internal intensity…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square

Milan Paštéka — Meeting

Despite the fact that the oil painting Stretnutie/Meeting depicts the figural scenes (two figures and a motif of a horse) the author pays attention especially to the capturing of the atmosphere. The robust figures without face, with minimum indication of their eyes and mouth, are being reduced into features…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Drawing

Peter Matejka — Female Head Study

Peter Matejka is usually recognised as a part of Slovak interwar fine art modernism, also known as Generation 1909, specifically its so-called “Prague branch”…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Photography and other media

Stanislav Masár — Overpressure of Being 1, 2, 3

Influences of Dadaism, conceptual art or Marcel Duchamp can be found in the work of Stano Masár. However, he does not receive these influences uncritically, but he confronts them with his own opinions, experiences and creative methods…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Plastic arts

Svätopluk Mikyta — Definition II.

Svätopluk Mikyta works with classical visual techniques, such as drawing and graphics…

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Picture related to artwork: Edmund Massányi — Nitra Square Painting

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