Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová — Canteen & Ratchet
Anetta Mona Chişa and Lucia Tkáčová started to work together in 2000 during their studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Over the course of two decades, the creative duo have managed to entrench themselves at both the national and international art scenes. The artists are perceived as distinctive representatives of postfeminism and engaged art who are no strangers to provocation…
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Anetta Mona Chişa and Lucia Tkáčová — Dialectics of Subjection # 1 /Holiday Video/
In 2000, already during their studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Anetta Mona Chisa and Lucia Tkáčová started their joint projects. Over a decade this creative tandem has established themselves successfully on the Slovak and international scene.
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Lucia Tallová — Winter Dock IV
Lucia Tallová is an artist with a unique creative program whose foundations were laid back during her university studies. The key aspect of her images is usually a landscape with a unique mood of the captured moment.
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Monogramista T·D — From the Moving and Escape Plans Series,
The titles Emergency Escape Plan for Kamil Drabin and Deposit from 2000 as well as Jan Velek’s Meditation Carpet and Patrolman Jiří Valoch’s Carpet from 2002 are a part of an extensive open series called Moving and Escape Plans that MONOGRAMISTA T·D have been working on since 2000.
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