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Parellel Worlds

Oľga Paštéková will focus on the relationships of people and animals, natural and urban environments. The artist is mostly interested in the effect of a modern civilisation and culture on indigenous and wild nature, how they influence and change it and how they coexist…

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Venus, Street, Palm, Bone…

February 9 — April 7, 2024

Martina Rötlingová’s first solo exhibition focuses on the topic of women – the heroines. Rötlingová often draws inspiration from works of old masters. Over the past two years, she has been shifting her focus back to self-portraits. Her work leans on various themes women are confronted with…

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Slavomíra Ondrušová’s exhibition is based on her interest in drawing, contemplating it, visualising it and materialising it. Drawing is not just a means to the artist’s personal deliberations, but to her own experiences and expressions. Her drawings are touching, sometimes funny, but most of all, true. She considers drawing “a dialogue with herself”. 

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Lucia Žitnayová’s first solo exhibition held at the Youth Gallery presents her as a regional artist. The exhibition title LACUS (a fish pond in Latin) implies a theme the artist has been working on for a long time. Her life has always been connected to fish ponds, ever since her childhood in Malé Zálužie where she grew up…

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Dostatočne ďaleko / Far Enough

We all know Drosophila melanogaster. A flock of randomly flying tiny “wine flies” suddenly appears seemingly “out of nowhere” next to a forgotten piece of fruit, sweet beverages or alcohol.

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The Universe of Technical Images

The Universe of Technical Images is the title of a joint exhibition by the photographer Ema Lančaričová and visual artist Veronika Šmírová, who have now joined their exhibition forces for the second time. They cover various themes related to the digital world and digital environment where we all live, work and use digital technologies to reflect upon.

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Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension exhibition presents selected works by nine students of the Studio of Free Creativity 3D (ASK3D) at the Department of Fine Arts and Intermedia at the Faculty of Arts at the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia.

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Tamara Kametani — Shrine

Tamara Kametani’s work responds to current social topics and critically (and ironically) incorporates a certain amount of absurdity into various themes that cover politics, migration and its management, power, different forms of oversight and control in both the digital and real worlds, excessive growth and proliferation of new technologies that form us and shape our perception of reality.

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Levels of Touch

The exhibition titled Levels of Touch presents works by a trio of graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. Martin Bízik, Ľubomír Slovinský and Klára Štefanovičová present their work in a joint project where they process their theme using different creative techniques and both classic artistic and digital media.

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Miroslav Sandanus — Earth, Wind & Fire

Miroslav Sandanus’ creative program focuses on urgent social and environmental themes, reflects on the escalating ecological crisis caused by man’s doing and its negative effect on the natural environment, nature, landscape and the whole planet.

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The exhibition will present a curatorial selection of works by current students of the Department of Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. The department, led by Ján Triaška, consists of four main studios and one preparatory one…

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Richard Marco’s first solo exhibition at Nitra Gallery titled λήθη – Lethe will be the first of five exhibitions reflecting upon the themes of ephemerality and forgetfulness which will be held at various galleries across Slovakia.

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A Mirror Image

Storytelling is probably one of the oldest and most widespread oral traditions in every culture. Not many other things can match the complexities offered by fairytales. They keep us company from early childhood when they serve as a learning tool all the way to our old age when we hand their wisdom and morale down to our grandchildren. We often create stories and fictional images in our minds.

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Šimon Chovan — Wings in Motion

Šimon Chovan is a visual artist and designer who belongs to the youngest generation of artists at the contemporary art scene. His work critically reflects upon our growing addiction to new and sophisticated technologies that define these times. He is interested in the way society, nature and the world work and our place in it, but also in our interaction with entities outside of the human realm.

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The goal of the FOCUS acquisition exhibition is to present the artists of a younger and middle generation whose works were added to the gallery collection fund over the period of the last two years. We specifically concentrate on artists whose work has never been a part of the gallery fund before.

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Hunters and Gatherers

Jana Mináriková spent two years going on hunting trips. In the spring, summer, autumn and also winter. She would take pictures of hunting towers all over Slovakia.

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Human body can be very much like architecture. The skeleton and body mass represent its structural frame while the organs work as functional units – rooms, while the skin is its facade…

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4 Ways of Nature

Natural themes have always played an important role in the history of art. They have been a part of it since its very early days and become one of the key inspirations throughout its development. But what is nature’s position in contemporary art? Have its artistic resources been depleted and should it be moved to the art history section?

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Ema Lančaričová — Noplace/Notime

Ema Lančaričová’s photography exhibition focuses on the medium of photography from the point of view of its technological and functional properties.

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The (Un)Natural exhibition directly confronts both artists’ works which makes it impossible not to distinguish who is the artist behind the individual pieces.

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Limits of Navigation

No map, mind, is a faithful reflection of reality, but rather a set of a number of subjective decisions which in turn directly affect the way it is read…

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North Czech Wave

What is expected of photography today? What do we value about photographies? Is there still something new to be invented in photography? Do we even want to look at photographies when everybody is a photographer?

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Juraj Rattaj — Lay-off

Juraj’s seemingly trivial dialogue about vacation time serves as a background for a broader conflict of the contemporary perception of the concept of time. New technologies that radically compress time and space, automate processes, improve effectiveness, production and accumulation and promise more time for creativity, regeneration, contemplation and personal development. Is this all just an illusion that will bring us even more binding mechanisms for new manufacturing, accumulation, investment, absorption and consumption?

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Until … Do Us Part

The first exhibition project by Martina Chudáand Peter Lančarič also becomes a probe sent to explore their personal lives. Besides creating art together, they are also partners in life. Which is why they have decided to respond to this very popular art theme – two people’s personal relationship.

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Diana Cencer Garafová — Vertical Limit

How can we explore our whole world? Can we rely on our senses as their capabilities of evaluating and storing information are limited? And what if we become a “victim” of an illusion? Will it sharpen our senses or, on the contrary, will we start doubting them? What is the role of art and its form of presentation when it comes to exploring the world? Can art and its various forms be an illusion that helps us understand (or, on the contrary, blur) our world and its laws?

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After the Radio

Radioart is defined by Tetsuo Kogawa is his 2008 manifesto which is based on his own experience and described in its relationship with the internet, radio broadcasting, music and sound art. Radioart (according to him, it needs to be spelled together as a single word) uses radio not just like a medium, but the actual broadcasting is an important part of the experience. He sees radioart more like procedural art, rather than object art.

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