Picture of publication

Full set
20 sheets, DVD and cover
Price: 9,95 EUR

Second edition
10 sheets, DVD
Price: 4,97 EUR

The Art As a Game

We offer to the teachers at second level of primary schools the set of 10 coloured reproductions of Slovak art from different periods of the twentieth century of which original works are the property of Nitra gallery. Each reproduction (size A4) contains the information about the piece of art and the author as well as the ideas and suggestions for the discussion and activities at the lesson. This set can be used as a teacher´s book or handbook of new ideas and inspiration at the art lessons and other subjects. The main idea of this programme is to bring the art into the class and show the teachers how to work with it. The programme works to a climax with the shool exhibitions of works that are made according to the reproduction and activities written on the back of each reproduction and the exhibition in the Nitra gallery. The best works will be chosen by curators and will be displayed with original pictures that were used as reproductions.

Publisher: Nitra Gallery
Year: 2006 and 2008