Picture of artwork
Les jardins recréés 12
Picture of artwork
Les jardins recréés 13

Juliana Mrvová’s oeuvre is known for her large-scale canvases painted with acrylics or ink; however, we can also find smaller drawings and works on paper among her works. There she mainly depicts motifs from nature and plants. She also draws her inspiration from her travels abroad; she incorporates various landscapes inspired by seascapes and beaches in her works. Her strong affection for nature is reflected not only in her art, but also in everyday life: she grows various kinds of plants, flowers, herbs, and sometimes she even designs gardens. As a background for her works she uses herbariums, she appropriates scientific drawings, botanical schemes and plant studies. She fuses them into a vivid, colorful visual language with a flowing brushwork.

The pair of paintings Les jardins recréés 12 and Les jardins recréés 13 was presented at the Nitra Gallery during the exhibition titled The Beach (“Pláž”) in 2006 [1]. After the end of the exhibition, these works were donated to the gallery’s collection. The paintings convey abstract colorful motives and blots that conjure up associations of details from flowers and plants. The titles of both paintings are in French and could be freely translated as “Revived Gardens”. The French word „recréer“ means to regenerate, revive, re-create but also invigorate, enliven, brighten, or animate. The semantics of the title allows us to perceive the small-scale canvases as an effort to capture and reproduce the beauty of a blooming garden. The light color scale and airy composition allow us to perceive it also as a refreshing and perceptively pleasing visual garden motive.

Juliana Mrvová was born on October 13, 1979 in Bratislava. From 1999 to 2005 she studied painting in the 4th Studio (Professor Ivan Csudai) at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, where she also earned her PhD title in Visual Arts in 2008. In 2002 she was on a study stay in Mexico. She has also been on artistic residencies at various cultural institutions abroad, for example in Champagne and Montrouge in France, or at the Nida Art Colony in Lithuania. She won the 1st Prize in the competition Painting 2007 organized by the VÚB Foundation; in 2009 she was among the finalists of the Strabag Art Award competition. She exhibits regularly in Slovakia and abroad. Her works are in the collections of Slovak and Czech cultural institutions. She worked for the Tranzit.sk organization, where she organized exhibitions in the premises of Hangár, and collaborated as a curator in a number of other projects. She lives and works in Bratislava. 

— Omar Mirza


1 Exhibition together with Michal Czinege, Youth Gallery, 6.6.-16.7.2006, curator: Vladimír Beskid, more at: https://old.nitrianskagaleria.sk/event/plaz/

Inventory No.: O 2093
Artist: Juliana Mrvová
Title: Les jardins recréés 12

Year: 2006
Technique: acrylics
Material: canvas
Dimensions: 30 × 30 cm
Signed: back side of the frame and canvas, block letters, black ball-point pen: “Les jardins recrees“ NO 12 Juliana Mrvová 2006

Inventory No.: O 2093
Artist: Juliana Mrvová
Title: Les jardins recréés 13

Year: 2006
Technique: acrylics
Material: canvas
Dimensions: 30 × 30 cm
Signed: back side of the frame and canvas, block letters, black ball-point pen: “Les jardins recrees“ NO 13 Juliana Mrvová 2006