Picture of artwork

Igor Minárik is an important Slovak representative of analytical painting, a style that explores and reflects upon the possibilities and properties of the painting medium. He has devoted his long career to drawing and paintings exclusively, while focusing on the analysis of their basic elements of expression – lines, colour, or surface. However, he does not recognise these two media as two separate surfaces, on the other hand, he removes the border between the two and combines them into a co-called “drawpainting”. Another characteristic feature of Minárik’s work is the use of collages which often add the third dimension to the artwork. Specifically, he uses assemblage to add collected objects to his works. He is also known for his slow, contemplative work process. He focuses on smaller pieces which require larger amounts of concentration. Regarding his visual apparatus, he concentrates on capturing various organic and geometric shapes that are inspired by nature. Minárik’s centre of interest lies in the colour scheme which he uses to express the overall character of his works. 

Teared is a part of Minárik’s early works where he did not focus as much on the colour scheme as he did on the analysis of shapes and their structure. The more intimate paper format blends the techniques of drawing, painting and collage. This combination results in portraying a derived natural motive. The dark vertical lines in the background represent plant stems while the newspaper cuts glued to the bottom stand for their leaves. By suppressing the colour saturation to the contrasting tones of white, yellow and black, the author initiates a dynamic play of lights and shadows. He uses contrasting colours to turn the focus on the composition of the seemingly contradicting connection between organic and geometric elements – a principle which can be found in more of Minárik’s works. Rapid brush strokes, reduced colour palette, expression of structure or the overall rough visuality of the artwork make it a fine example of early neo-expressive abstraction.

Igor Minárik was born in Bratislava in 1948. He studied under prof. Rudolfa Fila at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Bratislava (1963-1967) and he continued his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (1968-1974). Once graduated, he worked as a teacher at the Elementary Art School in Karlova Ves for 30 years (1974-2010). He participated in exhibitions outside of the official art scene during the period of normalisation. He was a member of an art group called A – R1 which unified artists that were born in the second half of 1940s and whose work continued the conceptual traditions of the former generation (Koller, Filko, Sikora,…), enriched with their interest in the formal, visual part of the art.

Mária Janušová, April 2017


MARKUSKOVÁ, Helena: Igor Minárik – Never-ending Completeness. Ernest Zmeták’s Gallery of Arts in Nové Zámky: Nové Zámky 2016.


1 The A – R group’s origins can be dated to 1970s, but it was officially founded in 1991. Besides Igor Minárik, some of its other members included Klára and Milan Bočkays, Ladislav Čarný, Daniel Fischer, Vladimír Kordoš, Otis Laubert, Marian Meško, Marián Mudroch and Dezider Tóth. The title is derived from the French expression Avance-Retard, which describes when a watch runs either too fast or too slow. ZAJAC, Peter: A-R Group, In: Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik, 8 September 2006. Available online at http://www.konzervativizmus.sk/article.php?1098, 24 April 2017. 

Inventory No.: O 2171
Artist: Igor Minárik
Title: Teared

Year: 1974
Technique: combined
Material: paper
Dimensions: 62 × 44 cm
Signature: rear bottom right, blue pen: signature: Igor Minárik / NATRHNUTÝ [TEARED] / KOMB. T. 62 x 44 / 1974; pencil: FT.

This acquisition has been supported using public funds provided by Slovak Arts Council. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Council cannot be held responsible for the information contained therein.