
December 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022

Exhibition Concept
Elena Tarábková


With financial support of the Town of Nitra.

An exhibition of works created by students with special needs what were created during the 13th annual educational project titled Any Can Create 2021. The exhibition also presents pieces from the gallery collection by Ladislav Guderna, Martin Benka, Henrich Fieles, Agneša Sigetová and Emőke Vargová as they have received the highest numbers of responses from the project participants. 

4 schools participated in the project:
Spojená škola internátna [Coed Boarding School], Červeňova 42, Nitra
Spojená škola [Coed School], Mudroňova 1, Nitra – a branch at Kollárova 4
Špeciálna základná škola [Special Education Elementary School], Jesenského 13, Šurany
Základná škola s materskou školou pri zdravotníckom zariadení [Preschool and Elementary School at a Medical Facility], Špitálska 6, Nitra

You will surely agree it is best to experience art in person. However, if you were unable to attend the exhibition, you can take a 3D virtual tour which has been prepared in collaboration with 3D Real — Virtual Tours.


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