
Besides projects and activities related to fine art, Nitra Gallery also opens its premises to other, non-fine-art media. One of these projects is a series of debates with contemporary Slovak authors that Nitra Gallery started back in 2006. All of the debates in the previous years were moderated by the popular host Dado Nagy.

The summer debates will be hold outside on Samova 1. In case of bad weather, the event will be moved to Nitra Gallery’s Salon on Župné námestie 3.


 Press Release


With financial support of the Slovak Arts Council public funds. The Council is the leading partner of the project.

July 13, 2023, 6pm
Weronika Gogola 
Weronika Gogola (1988) is a Polish author and translator. She graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in Ukrainian Studies. Her debut prose published in 2017 was called Little by Little (Slovak edition: Slovart, 2021; translated by Karol Chmel). The book gained her the important Joseph Conrad award and nomination for the most prestigious Polish literary award Nike. She has translated various Slovak authors into Polish, including Maroš Krajňak, Daniel Majling, Ján Púček or Marek Vadas. A book of reports titled “Ufo Above Bratislava” from 2022 is a result of her love of her adopted homeland and its citizens. She lives in Bratislava.1

August 22, 2023, 6pm
Dušan Martinčok 
He studied law and spent several years translating legal texts at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. In 2010, he created a community project titled Neighbours in the Yard which supports interpersonal relationships in urban neighbourhoods. Together with Táňa Sedláková and other friends, they founded a civic association called Zrejme [Growing], which focuses on intergenerational dialogue. He co-authored a book with Táňa Sedláková titled Záhrebská. It describes how clients of the elderly home on Záhrebská street cohabitate with the local neighbourhood community and gives specific examples and tips for intergenerational cohabitation in our towns and cities. In 2022, Zrejme published a book of his titled Niekto sa nájde [We Will Find Someone] which tells ten stories of residents of an apartment building in Bratislava.2



Event poster

Picture of event

Weronika Gogola
Photo: Martin Sipták

Dušan Martinčok
Photo: Martin Sipták